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去看了Teresa Salgueiro唱歌,樂團有手風琴、傳統吉他、鼓手兼葡萄牙吉他、大提琴。傳統的Fado沒有鼓,所以上半場鼓手彈的是葡萄牙吉他,下半場的歌比較新,加了鼓感覺很不一樣,其中一首不用鼓棒純用兩隻手敲擊鼓面也是另外一種感覺。沒有節目單不曉得曲目,依稀記得最後一首叫做Lisboa。

Teresa Salgueiro – Lisboa


我想起大學聯考那年,週末騎了腳踏車說是到學校讀書,結果總是在圖書館佔了位子就跑去看電影,看書要等到吃過午餐看過報紙打個盹以後。里斯本的故事也是那個時候看的吧,於是順便對那逝去的青春感傷了一下。結果回家把保留多年的電影票根拿出來,量其實沒有很大,隨便一翻就看到了里斯本的故事,其實根本也不是那個時候看的,先前的感傷突然變得很好笑。電影是在sun movie時代的絕色影城看的,票上日期是880509,早場票120元,放映時間是14:40。至於為什麼這麼便宜,然後早場票為什麼下午演,現在是完全沒有線索了。


然後把電影也翻出來看了一下,那裡的房子就跟之前在Santa Barbara看到的紅瓦白屋一樣,只是古樸自然許多。不過這也是二十年前的影片了,不曉得現在又是什麼光景。電影裡面錄音師用聲音認識/記錄他所經驗的里斯本,失蹤的導演把攝影機揹在身後,把這個城市發生的一切留在膠卷裡,沒有被人看過沒有被拍攝者的意識扭曲過所以沒有被污染過的真實影像,”innocent image”。故事結尾錄音師幫助導演再度相信自己的眼睛,從抽象的玄想回到地面。電影穿插Pessoa的文字,雖然沒有很懂,但很是對味。


That is why there are artists. Artists want to recreate the world, as if they were small gods. And they do a…They constantly rethink history, life, things that happen in the world, things that we think happened, but only because we believe… Because, after all, we believe in memory. Because everything has already passed. But who can be sure that what we think happened really happened? Who should we ask? Therefore, this world, this supposition, is an illusion. The only real thing is memory. But memory is an invention. Deep down, memory is… I mean, in the cinema the camera can capture a moment. But that moment has already passed. What the cinema does is draw a shadow of that moment. We are no longer sure that the moment ever existed outside the film. Or is the film proof that the moment existed? I don’t know… I know less and less about that. We live, after all, in permanent doubt. And despite that, we live with our feet on the ground. We eat, we enjoy life…(Lisbon Story)

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